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Kilograms is a measure of weight not height.

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Q: How can you find your height in kilograms?
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Related questions

How tall is thirtysix kilograms?

Kilograms are a measure of mass (often called weight), not height.

Is 36 kilograms overweight for a girl that's height is 149?

No, the normal weight for you is 40 kilograms.

Is height in centimeters four times the weight in Kilograms?

No, height in centimeters is not necessarily four times the weight in kilograms. Height and weight are completely independent measures and do not have a fixed mathematical relationship between them.

What is the ratio of BMI?

BMI = Mass : (Height)2 where mass is in kilograms and height is in metres.

How do you find for height in potential energy?

PE = mgh h = PE/mg ======== You would nee the potential energy figure in Joules, the mass in kilograms of the object and the constant, which is the acceleration of gravity. Then the above algebraic manipulation would find height for you.

What units of measurement would you use to measure height and mass?

Meters for height Kilograms for mass.

What is your BMI if you weigh 65kg and am 165cm in height?

BMI is weight/(height*height) in kilograms and metres. 60/(1.68*1.68) = 21.2This is between 20 and 25 so perfectly normal and healthy for an adult.

Can you change kilograms to inches?

No, because kilograms measure weight (more accurately, mass), and inches measure height.

Weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters?

Body Mass Index

What are two examples of common units of measuring?

Your height (centimetres) and mass (kilograms).

What is the height weight and length of a cobra?

their size is about 4 meters and they weigh 9 kilograms

How many kilograms should a 14 year old girl weigh?

It sorta depends on your height and stuff, but if your over 80 kilograms your probably going to be fat.