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BMI = Mass : (Height)2 where mass is in kilograms and height is in metres.

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Q: What is the ratio of BMI?
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Is BMI an interval or ratio scale of measurement?

Ratio. It has a true zero.

Is BMI a nominal or ratio data?


How do you improve your BMI and Waist to Hip Ratio?

You can increase BMI (Body Mass Index) either by eating more or (preferably) exercising a lot and adding muscle.

Ratio that allows you to assess your body size in relation to your height and weight?

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Are you fat if you are 12 years old and your bmi is 24?

BMI (Body Mass Index) is the ratio between height and weight-- the asker has already entered the relevant height and weight. Regardless of what height was plugged into the equation, a BMI of 24 is definitely within the normal range.

What is the average weight for man 6 foot 2 inches?

A BMI score of 18.5 to 24.9 indicates you have a healthy body fat ratio. If you are 6'2'' and you are about 180 lbs., then your BMI would be about 23. Remember that muscular build does not apply to the BMI calculator, even though they claim it does.

How much should a man weight if he is 5 feet and 4 inches?

Around 142 pounds(64kgs) ,According to BMI ratio.

Is Body Mass Index a scam?

Yes, according to the article "Top 10 Reasons Why The BMI Is Bogus". Plus, another article clearly states that the waist/height ratio is a better predictor of heart disease risk than BMI.

What is the right ratio of weight and height?

There is no such thing. People used the body mass index (BMI), which is a ratio of mass (not weight) to the square of the height. A BMI of 18.5 to 25 kg/m2 is considered normal. Below 18.5 is underweight and above 25 is overweight. Above 30 is obese. However, the people who promoted this measure appear to have overlooked the very basic fact that muscles are denser than fat. So, two people can have the same height. If one of them is muscular and has a BMI of just over 25 whereas the other carries a lot of fat and has a BMI of 24.5, the first one is fitter, not fatter!

How does one calculate BMI in a body?

You must complete a ratio of your height and weight. There are many charts available to purchase that will do this for you and online calculators. Even the Wii Fit will do it for you.

What scale is used to calculate bmi?

"A BMI scale is used to calculate BMI or Body Mass Index; additionally, a BMI chart, formula, or a standard BMI calculator may be used to calculate BMI or Body Mass Index as well."

Why is the bmi a bad indicator of ones body?

The problem, especially among younger people and athletes, is that BMI does not distinguish between body fat and muscle mass, so someone who is say 5'7, 210lbs yet has a 16% bodyfat ratio would be considered obese when in reality they are actually quite healthy.