Ill teach you right now, only binary math tho, not the programming langue or anything, just that math.... first use this table 1 2 4 8
now the number 1 is like saying "yes" and 0 is like saying "No"
to make the number 5 you do 1 plus 4 = 5 so we do
do we use 4 yes do we use 2 no do we use 1 yes
so its 101 first one is 4 then 0 is 2 meaning we don't count that
and then 1 again witch is 1 so we add em, 5 so 101 = 5
how to make letters? here is a graph you can use
I forgot to say, that the 1 2 4 8 keeps going just
get the last number and add it with itself like 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 and so on
chr(32) 00100000
! chr(33) 00100001
" chr(34) 00100010
# chr(35) 00100011
$ chr(36) 00100100
% chr(37) 00100101
& chr(38) 00100110
' chr(39) 00100111
( chr(40) 00101000
) chr(41) 00101001
* chr(42) 00101010
+ chr(43) 00101011
, chr(44) 00101100
- chr(45) 00101101
. chr(46) 00101110
/ chr(47) 00101111
0 chr(48) 00110000
1 chr(49) 00110001
2 chr(50) 00110010
3 chr(51) 00110011
4 chr(52) 00110100
5 chr(53) 00110101
6 chr(54) 00110110
7 chr(55) 00110111
8 chr(56) 00111000
9 chr(57) 00111001
: chr(58) 00111010
; chr(59) 00111011
< chr(60) 00111100
= chr(61) 00111101
> chr(62) 00111110
? chr(63) 00111111
@ chr(64) 01000000
A chr(65) 01000001
B chr(66) 01000010
C chr(67) 01000011
D chr(68) 01000100
E chr(69) 01000101
F chr(70) 01000110
G chr(71) 01000111
H chr(72) 01001000
I chr(73) 01001001
J chr(74) 01001010
K chr(75) 01001011
L chr(76) 01001100
M chr(77) 01001101
N chr(78) 01001110
O chr(79) 01001111
P chr(80) 01010000
Q chr(81) 01010001
R chr(82) 01010010
S chr(83) 01010011
T chr(84) 01010100
U chr(85) 01010101
V chr(86) 01010110
W chr(87) 01010111
X chr(88) 01011000
Y chr(89) 01011001
Z chr(90) 01011010
[ chr(91) 01011011
\ chr(92) 01011100
] chr(93) 01011101
^ chr(94) 01011110
_ chr(95) 01011111
` chr(96) 01100000
a chr(97) 01100001
b chr(98) 01100010
c chr(99) 01100011
d chr(100) 01100100
e chr(101) 01100101
f chr(102) 01100110
g chr(103) 01100111
h chr(104) 01101000
i chr(105) 01101001
j chr(106) 01101010
k chr(107) 01101011
l chr(108) 01101100
m chr(109) 01101101
n chr(110) 01101110
o chr(111) 01101111
p chr(112) 01110000
q chr(113) 01110001
r chr(114) 01110010
s chr(115) 01110011
t chr(116) 01110100
u chr(117) 01110101
v chr(118) 01110110
w chr(119) 01110111
x chr(120) 01111000
y chr(121) 01111001
z chr(122) 01111010
{ chr(123) 01111011
| chr(124) 01111100
} chr(125) 01111101
~ chr(126) 01111110
n/a chr(127) 01111111
Nothing. There's no such word as 'tission'. On another topic, follow the link below to learn about eukaryotic division, AKA binary Fission
You will have to have some computer skills to learn how to do this. You have to put in the right code in order to get it to work.
Binary what? Binary numbers? Binary stars? Binary fission?
No, binary is a number system.A binary digit is called a bit.
Infinite (and binary).
Binary trees are commonly used to implement binary search tree and binary heaps.
binary fission
The Binary for ten in 8-bit binary is: 00001010
The sum of binary numbers is also a binary number.
It is 10111111 in binary. Try a search for '191 to binary'.
1111101 If you use windows calculator click on view and select scientific. Then you too will be able to easily convert between numbering systems. Alternately you could learn the different numbering systems (binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal) as this proves most useful when programming.
A full binary tree is a type of binary tree where each node has either 0 or 2 children. A complete binary tree is a binary tree where all levels are fully filled except possibly for the last level, which is filled from left to right. So, a full binary tree can be a complete binary tree, but not all complete binary trees are full binary trees.