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ten dimes

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Q: How can you make change for a dollar and one piece is not a quarter?
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What three coins make a dollar?

One half dollar (50 cent piece) and two quarter dollars (25 cent each piece)

If a man has 1.15 in six coins but can not make change for a dollar half dollar quarter dime or nickel what coins does he have?

half dollar, quarter four dimes

How do you make a dollar using 7 coins?

A 50 cent piece, a quarter and 5 nickels.

I have 55 cents but can't give you change for a nickel dime quarter or a fifty cent piece. What change can I give you?

You have a nickel and a half dollar. Neither one alone can make change for any other denomination.

What five coins make a dollar?

5*20 cents (Australian) make a dollar. In US and Canadian coins, a 50 cent piece, a quarter, two dimes, and a nickel also make a dollar.

What is the greatest amount of money you can leave as a tip and not leave any bills and with the amount of coins that you leave you can not make change for a quarter or a dollar?

one fifty cent piece, one quarter, four dimes, 4 pennies equaling $1.19

With 7 coins and without dimes how can you make a dollar?

1 50 cent piece 1 Quarter 5 Nickels

Most amount of coins you can have and still not make change for a dollar?

One half dollar, one quarter, four dimes and four pennies. It equals $1.19. You can not make change for exactly one dollar with those coins

A man has 1.15 made up of 6 American coins With these coins however he cannot make change of a dollar a half dollar a quarter a dime or a nickel Which six coins does he have?

One half dollar, 1 Quarter, 4 dimes

Can you make change for a dollar with 14 coins?

1 quarter, 11 nickels, 2 dimes

How many quarter dollars make 1 dollar?

4 quarters make a dollar

How do you make change for a dollar using only fifty coins?

One quarter, two dimes, two nickels, forty-five pennies.