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With great difficulty. Acceleration is a vector and that means that it has a direction as well as a magnitude (size).

For motion in a plane, the only effective way to show acceleration is to draw lots of arrows from points at regular intervals in a plane such that the length of the arrow is a measure of the magnitude of the acceleration and the direction of the arrow coincides with that of the acceleration.

An answer referring to a speed-time graph is totally incorrect. That measures speed in the radial direction only. All apects of motion (displacement, speed, acceleration) in a transsverse direction are completely ignored.

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Q: How can you use a graph to show acceleration?
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What does a speed time graph show?

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The area under an acceleration-time graph is equal to the object's velocity (not change in velocity).

How do you graph acceleration?

The answer depends on what the graph is meant to show. The first step would be to read the axis labels.

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If the graph is a straight line, then the slope of the line is the average acceleration of the ball.

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A line graph. It shows both the acceleration and the deceleration.

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Acceleration=change in y graph/change in x graph

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The answer depends on what is plotted on the graph and what is happening with the acceleration then.

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On a graph of acceleration vs. time, during deceleration the line is below zero. On a graph of speed vs. time, during deceleration the line has a negative slope (sloping downward from left to right).

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The answer depends on the variables in the graph! In a graph of age against mass there is nothing that represents acceleration.

Plot the graph to show ball thrown vertically upward and comes downward ignoring air resistence?

If you want the graph to show the acceleration of the ball against time, then the graph is a horizontal line. If you want the graph to show the velocity of the ball against time, then the graph is a straight line sloping downward. If you want the graph to show the height of the ball against time, then the graph is a parabola that opens downward.