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Q: How can you use operation to model real-world fractions?
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How do you make fractions easy?

Fractions aren't really difficult, once you understand them. Mainly, you have to memorize when to use which operation, so that you don't get adding and multiplying fractions confused, for example.

How do you write operation manual for cleaning business?

Get a model manual that you can use for a foundation and use it to help you.

How can you use a rectangular model to help multiply fractions?

You don't need any complicated "model". Just multiply the top parts of both fractions and put the answer in the top part of the result. Similarly, the bottom part of the result is the product of the bottom parts of both fractions.

How can you use a model to subtract fractions with like denominators?

No. You just have to change it so the denominators are the same, and then it's easy from there!

How many jobs use fractions?

There are 137 jobs that use fractions.

Why do you use fractions in your teaching and learning of fraction?

It would be very difficult to teach and learn fractions if you did not use fractions!

How would you use fractions in nursing?

you can use fractions in nursing in when you weigh someone

How can you use models to multiply fractions?

No, you cannot use models to multiply fractions!!

Examples of fractions used in everyday life?

We use fractions in the grocery we use fractions in the grocery shops like half a dozen

Use what you learned about opertions with rational numbers to complete the graphic organizer drscribe a process to perform each operation add subtract multiply and divide?

Not too sure of the question but in general rational numbers can be expressed as fractions whereas irrational numbers can't be expressed as fractions

How do teachers use fractions?

Teachers teach fractions to their students.

How you use the algorithm when multiplying fractions by fractions?

step by step