

How could you solve 210?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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That doesnt make sense

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Q: How could you solve 210?
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3 / 5 of 210 = 0.6 * 210 = 126

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Let x = first positive integer the x + 1 is the next positive integer the product is x (x+1) = 210 x^2 + x = 210 x^2 + x - 210 = 0 Use quadratic equation to solve, or factor (X+15) (X-14 ) = 0 x = +14 or X = -15 The positve one is x = 14 X + 1 = 15 ANS: 14 and 15

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A 210 volt outlet is an outlet that can provide power for an appliance that is up to 210 volts. Some examples of these could be dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers.

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to solve could be analyze or identify

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(15 x 14) - 16 = 194 15 x 14 = (15 x 4) + (15 x 10) = 60 + 150 = 210 so 210 - 16 = 194

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Since 14 is a factor of 210, it is automatically the GCF.

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They could not easily solve - cheap food imported from other countries.

What can you multiply together to get 210 but get the sum of 1?

The factor pairs of 210 are (210,1)(105,2)(70,3)(42,5)(35,6)(30,7)(21,10)(15,14) None of them add up to 1. If that was -210, you could use 15 and -14.