

How did cube roots start?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Adding numbers led to wanting to "undo" addition, and thus the definition of subtraction. Subtraction is needed to help solve problems that involve addition, and addition is needed to help solve problems that involve subtraction.

Multiplying numbers led to wanting to "undo" multiplication, and thus the definition of division. Division is needed to help solve problems that involve multiplication, and multiplication is needed to help solve problems that involve division.

Raising numbers to powers led to wanting to "undo" exponentiation, and thus the definition of roots. Roots are needed to help solve problems that contain a constant exponent, and exponents are needed to solve problems that involve a constant root.

Therefore, cube roots started as a way of solving problems that involved cubed quantities - such as volumes. A typical problem could be something like: if I wish to design a cube that will hold exactly 1,000 cubic inches of water, what must the length of each inside edge be? Since all three dimensions of a cube have the same length (L), this problem can be expressed mathematically by:

L^3 = 1,000

and the only way to solve for L mathematically is to "undo" the third power (cube) by taking the cube root of both sides:

L = 10

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