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The numerator must contain the unit INTO which you are converting.

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Q: How do i know which unit of conversion factor must be in the numerator?
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How do you know which units of a conversion factor must be in the denominator?

The denominator must contain the unit that you wish to cancel in the numerator of the other number.

How do you know which unit of conversion factor must be the denominator?

The unit that is used in the denominator is the one to cancels the unit that appears in a numerator.

How do you know which unit of a conversion factor must be the denominator?

It is the units for the measurement which you are converting FROM.

How do you know which unit of conversion factor must be in the denominator when you're doing a conversion problem?

These are the units which are used for the measurement that you are converting FROM.

How do you know which unit of conversion factor must be a conversion factor?

Assuming you are talking about stoichiometery a conversion factor is often a number with two units. For example a conversion factor could be Miles per hour (Miles/hour). If you had miles and needed to convert to hours you would multiply the miles by Hours/miles so that the miles would be canceled out (miles/miles = 1). Then your units left would be hours. Or vice versa. There are other factors like this in chemistry like grams/mol Mol/liter etc. To put it shortly the conversion factor denominator is always paired with the numerator.

A fraction is reduced to its simplest form when the numerator?

For a fraction to be in its simplest form, numerator and denominator must have no common factor.

How do you know which unit of conversion factor must be in the denominator?

The unit that is used in the denominator is the one to cancels the unit that appears in a numerator.

How do you which unit of conversion factor must be the denominator?

It must be the unit of the measurement that you are converting FROM.

Must a conversion fraction equal one?

No. It would be very unusual for a conversion factor to equal one.

When a fraction cannot be simplified what must be true about the greatest common factor of the numerator and denominator?

It is 1.

What must be true for a ratio of two measurements to be a conversion factor?

The measurements must be equal to each other.

What must a conversion fraction equal?

The conversion factor, for converting from UNITA to UNITB is the number of UNITB in each UNITA. There are 3.2808 feet in 1 metre so the conversion factor for converting metres into feet is 3.2808.