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1.Adding If they have like denominators, just add the numerator and put that on top of the denominator. If the denominators not same, you need like denominators. So, you have to find the least common multiple of the denominator. You can list them and find the lowest multiple, or use this shortcut. It might lead to extra steps though. First you multiply the denominators. Then multiply the numerator by that number. Then add that together. (It's easy because you just add the numerator.) 2. simplifying. If the #'s are both even, they can be divided by two. If they aren't, List the factors of the numerator and the denominator. Find the least common factor.(LCM).Then divide the numerator and the denominator by that

#.Keep going to get a fraction simplified all the way. Hope this helped!=D

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Q: How do you add and simplify fractions?
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Do you need to simplify when adding fractions?

You can either simplify then add or add then simplify your answer

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You can use models by doing simplify

Why is it inaccurate to simplify add the numerators if two fractions with unlike denominator?

Because that is not how addition of fractions is defined.

How do you add multiple mixed fractions?

Find a common denominator, add the numerators, simplify if possible.

How can you simplfy the sum of a fraction?

First you add the fractions, then you see if you can simplify the result. You simplify it just as you would simplify any other fraction.

How do you add fractions in 6th grade math?

Find a common denominator between the two and then add the numerators. FInally simplify.

What jobs use the hcf and the LCM?

Chefs, carpenters, anyone who has to add, subtract or simplify fractions.

Can you add fractions using the LCD will you never have to simplify the answer?

Not true. Try 1/6 + 1/3

What school subject is fractions related to?

Math is related to fractions. if you look in a math book or just online then one of the math topics is fractions. You learn how to divide, multiply, add and subtract, simplify and more about fractions and what to do with them.

How is a mix number solved?

if its an equation then add the big numbers then add the fractions using like denominators afterwards simplify

Do you ever have to simplify if you find the LCD when subtracting fractions?

No because in order to subtract or add fractions the denominator of the fractions must be the same and if they are not then the lowest common denominator of the fractions must be found. Having subtracted or added the fractions then it may be possible to simplify the result.