Math is related to fractions.
if you look in a math book or just online then one of the math topics is fractions. You learn how to divide, multiply, add and subtract, simplify and more about fractions and what to do with them.
In school, Mary thinks math is the worst subject because of fractions.
They are related because you can comvert decimals into fractions,and fractions into decimals.
They can show the same number, just in different ways. You can convert fractions into decimals or decimals into fractions.
That depends what operation you need to do: you have to learn separately how to add and subtract, multiply, divide, simplify, and expand fractions. Since this is a rather long topic, I suggest you review your school books, or check some online resources. See the related links for one of them.
When a fraction is simplified, it is made into an equivalent fraction with no common divisor between the numerator and denominator.
In school, Mary thinks math is the worst subject because of fractions.
They are related because you can comvert decimals into fractions,and fractions into decimals.
fractions are parts of a number
Two fractions are related when the denominator of one of the fraction is a multiple of the denominator of the other fraction. (Don't confuse with Like fractions)
Related concepts to fractions include ratios, proportions, percents, decimals, probabilities, cents, division, inverses. Parts of fractions are numerator and denominator. Fractions greater than 1 are improper fractions or mixed numbers.
Mathematics is a fundamental school subject
Fractions are typically introduced in elementary school, around 3rd or 4th grade, and are further explored and mastered in middle school.
Fractions are form of a division problem and a quotient is an aswer to one. So a fractions mixed number is a quotient
When you have 60% in fractions it is 60/100, because percent is alwase out of 100.
See related question: 'What are 15 or more facts about fractions'
Fractions are related to division because the top of the fraction is the numerator or the dividend of the fraction and the bottom of the fraction is the denominator or the divisor of the fraction.
delayed subject means something that you never related to the topic. such as if you write about the school. you dont have to mention the main subject whiich is dog.