first you ned a brain so go to the store and buy one then
find the topic you are studying like algebra the go online
and find out how algebra works. Make notes to study on
then the study them and it will help you for a test.
hope it helps :)
get smarter
Math, and pretty much all the subjectss you study but he has to be alitle smarter then ysal to become a football player
its so you can get smarter
Study more frequently Revise Try to get yourself to be more interested in math
meteor math or take the path to math or do u think you're smarter than math itself
Smarter than. like in math when they say,"is 6 greater THAN 4?" when comparing things, always use than.bby s wesome
Its simple, become asain ;)
You do have more oppurtunities to become smarter. It all has to do with age. The younger you are and the more you read, write, do math and other school related topics, the more of the chance to becoming smarter. It takes awhile but the more you read, you will be able to read faster and collect information from the stories faster!
I'm not, I'm smarter than you so suck it.
Neither one "makes a person smarter" than the other one does. It's all good!
Well kids need to learn math to make them smarter, so they can have jobs and their parents will be proud of them.