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Arrange the numbers from least to greatest. Then count from each side until you find the middle number. If you end up with two numbers, find the average.
First put the numbers in order from smallest to largest. Then find the middle number. If there are two middle numbers find the number halfway between these.

For example:

Find the median of 5 ,7, 3, 9, 2, 3.

First order them: 2, 3, 3, 5, 7, 9

The middle numbers are 3 and 5 so the median is halfway between - i.e. 4.

Note: Only if you have an odd number of values will there be an exact middle.

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Q: How do you calculate the median number in a series?
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Where would the median number be located in a series of number?

order the numbers least to greatest and the median number is in the middle

Can there be more than one median to a number?

No and a single number cannot have a median either you need a series (at least two) to have a median.

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How do you calculate mead mode median?

mean is the average off all the numbers, median is the middle number and mode is the number that occurred more often

How can you calculate median?

The median is the middle number of any given set when they are in order, least to greatest. If there is an even number of values, the median is the average of the middle two. Ex. (10, 17, 20, 45, 68) The median is 20.

What is the median of 89?

The mean, median, and mode of any single number is that same number.However, usually you would calculate these values for larger sets of numbers, not for a single number.

How do you Calculate the median of 15 9 15 16 16 8 11 10?

The median of a single number, such as 15915161681110, is itself.

Why are mean median and mode called the measures of center?

Median is finding the middle number among a series. Whilst Mode is finding the middle among a catagorised series.

Why is median important in math?

It's just the median number of a given date. It can help when you want to calculate the performance of something, like test scores.

How do you calculate median?

You don't really calculate it, the median is the middle number.But it has to be in order first before you find it.Say you have a set of data like this;5,8,4,3,6,8,9,2,6,4,3,7First you put in order.2,3,3,4,4,5,6,6,7,8,8,9Next you divide the number of data by two.12/2= 6So your sixth number would be the median, but as it's a even number it is the sixth and seventh number.So the answer would be 5.5(the middle value)

What is the difference between the median and the midpoint?

The median is the number in a series that has equal amounts on either side of it. E.g. the median of 15 is 8 because it has seven numbers either side of that value. The midpoint means the same as the median, but median is the most used terminology.

How do you find out a median of a set of numbers?

If you order the numbers from the higher to the lowest, the median is the number separating the lower half of the numbers from the higher half of the numbers in the set. If you have an odd number of elements in the set then the median is in the middle of this descending ordered numbers. If you have an even number of elements then, in order to determine the median, you calculate the mean of the two middle values.