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Q: What is the middle number in a series of numbers called?
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Where would the median number be located in a series of number?

order the numbers least to greatest and the median number is in the middle

The sum of a series of numbers divided by the number of cases is?

That's called the average.

Why are mean median and mode called the measures of center?

Median is finding the middle number among a series. Whilst Mode is finding the middle among a catagorised series.

How do you calculate the median number in a series?

Arrange the numbers from least to greatest. Then count from each side until you find the middle number. If you end up with two numbers, find the average.First put the numbers in order from smallest to largest. Then find the middle number. If there are two middle numbers find the number halfway between these.For example:Find the median of 5 ,7, 3, 9, 2, 3.First order them: 2, 3, 3, 5, 7, 9The middle numbers are 3 and 5 so the median is halfway between - i.e. 4.Note: Only if you have an odd number of values will there be an exact middle.

What is the pattern of these numbers '1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21'?

Each new number in the series is the sum of the previous two numbers. That sequence is part of an infinite series called the Fibonacci series.

What is the arithmetic average of a series of numbers?

The sum of the numbers divided by the number of numbers.

What are the factorization of a number?

The factorization of a number is a series of numbers that make that number 

Which number comes next in this series of numbers 154778178394440?

There is no series of number: just one very large number!

Set of numbers that follow a pattern?

This is called a sequence and if we add the numbers in that sequence it is called a series.

What is series in math?

It is a set of numbers derived from a sequence. The first number in the series is the first number of the sequence. The second number in the series is the sum of the first two numbers of the sequence. The third number in the series is the sum of the first three numbers of the sequence. and so on. Mathematically, a series is easily defined using the sigma notation but that, unfortunately, is beyond the scope of this browser.

What are all the even numbers called?

numbers! An endless string or 'series' of even numbers!

What is the next number in the Fibonacci series?

The sum of the previous two numbers in the series.