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Q: How do you check multiplucation with division?
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the name for the answer to a multiplication problem is called the product.

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There is no real multiplucation fact answering to the number 1,024

Why you can use multiplication to check a division problem?

multiplication is the Inverse operationof division so it could be used to check my work

How do you check addition with division?

You don't. You can check addition with subtraction or subtraction with addition, since subtraction is the opposite of addition. Similary, you can check division with multiplication, or vice versa.

How do you check the answer to a division question?

To check the answer to a division question, multply the divisor (the number that is being divided into the dividend) and the quotient (the answer). If there is a remainder, add the remainder to the answer. If the number matches the dividend, your answer to the division problem is correct.