To check the answer to a division question, multply the divisor (the number that is being divided into the dividend) and the quotient (the answer). If there is a remainder, add the remainder to the answer. If the number matches the dividend, your answer to the division problem is correct.
To check the answer of a division problem, you can multiply the quotient (the result of the division) by the divisor (the number you divided by) and add the remainder (if any) to the product. The result should equal the dividend (the number you divided into). This process ensures that the division was done correctly and that the answer is accurate.
then do the oppsite.Multiply.
How do you use division to solve a multiplication equation?Answer this question…
A division sign is called an obelius.
You multiple the answer you got and you will get your answer
To check the answer of a division problem, you can multiply the quotient (the result of the division) by the divisor (the number you divided by) and add the remainder (if any) to the product. The result should equal the dividend (the number you divided into). This process ensures that the division was done correctly and that the answer is accurate.
A division question is called a dividend divided by a divisor to get a quotient.
Multiply the quotient by the divisor to result in the dividend.If dividend/divisor=quotient, then dividend=quotient x divisor
multiplication is the Inverse operationof division so it could be used to check my work
It is a quotient.
You don't. You can check addition with subtraction or subtraction with addition, since subtraction is the opposite of addition. Similary, you can check division with multiplication, or vice versa.
The quotient is the answer to a division question.
Be more specific. It actually depends what your division problem is. Example: the question for 16 and 4 would be, "What does 16 divided by 4 equal?" Answer your question?
then do the oppsite.Multiply.
you cant