A positive number is greater than a negative number. If both numbers are positive, the longer number - the one with more digits - is larger. If both have the same number of digits, compare the digits from the left, one at a time until you find one that is different. The one with the larger digit in this last comparison is the larger number.
They are the same.
u cant
900,000,001. 900 million and one (when we talk whole numbers)
The sum of whole numbers 1 through 30 is 465.
For positive whole numbers, it is 1 through infinity.
Some integers are whole numbers, but only 0 through positive infinity. The negatives are not included in the whole numbers.
Well, honey, 870 million in numbers is simply 870,000,000. Just add a whole bunch of zeros to that 870, and you've got yourself a big ol' number to impress your friends with.
999 999. 1 million and 2 million aren't counted. It is only the number inbetween. so from 1000001, 1000002,.........1999998, 1999999 which is 999 999 numbers