The numbers are: -10 and -8
There are two consecutive odd, whole numbers. The numbers are 39 and 41.
Whole numbers means no decimal places have to be represented and no fractions can be associated with it. so 80 is a whole number and the whole number before it is 79 and the whole number after it is 81
Two numbers have a product of 80 their sum is 24?
The sum of the first sixteen numbers of pi is 80.
It is 80*81/2 = 3240
The numbers are: -10 and -8
To find the fifth number, you can use the formula for finding the average of a set of numbers. The sum of the 5 numbers is 82 * 5 = 410. The sum of the 4 known numbers is 80 * 4 = 320. Therefore, the fifth number can be found by subtracting the sum of the 4 known numbers from the sum of all 5 numbers: 410 - 320 = 90. So, the fifth number is 90.
There are two consecutive odd, whole numbers. The numbers are 39 and 41.