

How do you conjugate etre?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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14y ago

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Etre is "to be" and it is.......







that is how you conjurgate etre YOUR WELCOME and i kno this cuz im a pro french speaker i finished french AVOIR!!

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Q: How do you conjugate etre?
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Well, the dictionary verb is ^etre, and then you have to conjugate it to the noun you're using and the tense and form.

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You use etre for "Dr and Mrs Vandertramp" or "house" verbs. You also use etre for reflexive verbs like se lever, se coucher, se sentir. Don't forget to conjugate etre and use the passe compose end form of the verb (er=e(with accent), re=u, ir=i). The most common etre passe compose is "Je suis ne(e)." = I was born.

How do you use etre in a sentence?

You have to conjugate Être with your subject then ad a noun that fits the sentence.Je suisTu esIl/ Elle estNous sommesVous êtesIls sontEx. Sentence: Je suis intelligent et gentille.

What is etre in English?

"Etre" is the French verb "to be"

What does etre mean in English?

etre means to be in English.Also, depending on your subject, you might need to conjugate it:Je suis - I amTu es - You areIl est - He isElle est - She isOn est - One isNous sommes - We areVous etes - You are (plural and formal)Ils sont - They are (masculine)Elles sont - They are (feminine - everybody in the group have to girls, even if there is one boy, you would use ils sont)

Does etre in french take avoir or etre?

Etre takes avoir as the helping verb. An easy way to remember is that etre is always the helping verb with verbs of coming or going.

How do you know when to use avior and etre in a present tense sentence?

Avoir and Etre can be used for many sentences, avoir is to have and Etre is to be. Example: J'ai vingt ans, I am twenty. (avoir) Example: Tu es petite, you are small. (etre)

What is dormir in present progressive?

Dormir is a verb both in Spanish and French.French does not have a present progressive. The closest you could get is "etre en train de dormir" and you would conjugate etre (je suis, tu es, il/elle est, nous sommes, vous etes, ils/elles sont).Spanish does have a present progressive. The form is "estar durmiendo" and you would conjugate estar (yo estoy, tu estas, el/ella/Ud. esta, nosotros estamos, vosotros estais, ellos/ellas/Uds. estan).Note because the formatting is unable to accommodate accent marks, they are missing.

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etre avec toi. etre means to be avec means with toi means you

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Sentence of raison d' etre?

Islamic ideology was the raison d' etre for the creation of Pakistan

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