8 miles=42,240 feet
42,240 feet in 8 land miles 48608 feet in 8 nautical miles
8 miles = 12.8748 km (rounded)
Multiply the feet by 30.48 to convert to cm.Multiply the feet by 30.48 to convert to cm.Multiply the feet by 30.48 to convert to cm.Multiply the feet by 30.48 to convert to cm.
convert milimeter to cubic feet
To convert cubits to feet you need to multiply the origin by 1.4999999999999982
You don't convert square feet to feet. Square feet is the measure of an area. Feet is the measure of a length.
That depends what you want to convert it to. To convert to square feet, divide by 144.That depends what you want to convert it to. To convert to square feet, divide by 144.That depends what you want to convert it to. To convert to square feet, divide by 144.That depends what you want to convert it to. To convert to square feet, divide by 144.
You don't. Square feet and feet are different things; you can't convert them.
You don't. You can't convert that.
You can't convert that. Square feet is a unit of area; meter is a unit of length. You can convert square feet to square meters, or feet to meters.
Divide length by 3 (convert feet into yards), divide width by 3 (convert feet into yards) and multiply the results. or Multiply length (in feet) by width (in feet) to the area (in sq feet) and divide by 9 (convert sq feet to sq yards).