24.48 square meters is equivalent to about 263.5 square feet.
The equivalence is: 1 gram per square feet = 0, 317 465 7ounces per square yard.
43,560 square feet per acre: 20 (acres) x 43,560 = 871,200 square feet
To convert pounds per square feet to pounds per square inch, you need to divide by 144 since there are 144 square inches in a square foot. In this case, 32 pounds per square foot would be equal to 0.222 pounds per square inch.
1 square foot => $7.50324 square feet = (324) times (1 square foot) => (324) times ($7.50) = $2,430.00
Convert the feet to yards first. (3 ft / linear yard - 9 Square Ft in a Sqr Yard)13 feet = 4.25 yards22 feet = 7.33 yards4.25 yards x 7.33 yards = 31.2 square yards.The price is (31.2 square yards) x ($19.50 per square yard) = $607.50NOTE THATIf you don't convert the feet to yards first, then divide the 'cost per yard' by 9 to get the 'cost per square foot' to avoid errors.
There isn't one. Not enough info.
Square feet is a 2 dimensional unit of area. You cannot convert gallons, which is a three dimensional unit of volume to square feet. You can convert it to cubic feet using the conversion that 1 US gallon equals 0.133680556 cubic feet.
Convert the feet to yards first.12 feet = 4 yards15 feet = 5 yards4 yards x 5 yards = 20 square yards.The price is (20 square yards) x ($20.80 per square yard) = $416.00----If you don't convert the feet to yards first, make sure to be very careful with the number of square feet.12 feet x 15 feet = 180 square feet.Trying to convert to square yards by dividing by 3 will give you 60 foot-yards, which isn't right, so you have to divide by 3 again to get 20 square yards (i.e there are 9 square feet in a square yard).
Convert $24.85 USD per square yards to square meters
There are 9 square feet in each 1 square yard. To convert from square feet to square yards, divide by 9. To convert from square yards to square feet, multiply by 9. 2500 square feet is approximately 277.78 square yards. In general, tile, laminate and hardwood are quoted in square feet, while carpet is almost always quoted per square yard.
To convert square feet to cubic feet, you would need the height or depth dimension. If you have the height measurement, you can multiply the square footage by the height to find the cubic footage. Without the height, it is not possible to directly convert square feet to cubic feet.