Square feet is a 2 dimensional unit of area. You cannot convert gallons, which is a three dimensional unit of volume to square feet. You can convert it to cubic feet using the conversion that 1 US gallon equals 0.133680556 cubic feet.
About 105 square feet or 9.75 square meters on a smooth surface with no waste at 4 mil thickness
A mil being a thousandths of an inch, it is 0.0026 inches.
That is approximately 2.491 cups.
There are 25.36 ounces in a 750 milliliter bottle.
There are approximately 6,340 cups in 1.5 million.
It depends on the percent of solids. To simplify this, after all the liquid (solvent) part has evaporated, the pigment (solids) is what remains. One gallon of paint having 100% pigment (solids) or no solvent in it, will cover 1600 square feet at 1 mil thickness. If one gallon of paint has 50% pigment (solids) and 50% liquid (solvent), then one gallon of paint would have a net or dry film of 800 square feet.
I think the correct answer is 4800 mils in a gallon.
About 105 square feet or 9.75 square meters on a smooth surface with no waste at 4 mil thickness
In a mile there is 5,280 feet and 1,780 yards
1 square mile is 640 acres.
0.2625 square miles for 168 acres.
20 mil a gallon
1 foot = 0.000189393939 miles5280 feet = 1.0000287792 miles
Imperial1 gallon = 4.546 L = 4 L and 546 mL= 4546 mLUS1 gallon = 3.785 L = 3 L and 785 mL= 3785 ml
568 mil is a pint so 750 is about one sixth of a (Non-US) gallon (0.165 to be specific)
9.83 mil square km