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It's a bit like long division. The site that I linked below has a good explanation. You can also use specialty calculators, or the programming mode of the Windows calculator.

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Q: How do you determine the decimal number in the binary system?
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The binary number 10 represents what in the decimal number system?

Binary ( 1 0 ) = decimal ( 2 )

What is the decimal number of the binary number 13 in the OCT counting system?

There is no decimal number for the binary number 13 because 13 cannot be a binary number.

What is the advantage of decimal number system to binary number system?

The decimal representation of numbers is shorter. Binary number require approx 3.3 times as many digits.

How are negative number represented in binary number system?

Just as in decimal, you can put a minus sign in front. For example, if 101 (binary) is decimal 5, then -101 (binary) is decimal -5.

What kind of number system is commonly used in the US is it decimal or binary?


What is the binary number 11 in the decimal number system?

11b = 3d

What are binery numbers?

Binary numbers belong to Binary number system. Binary System consists of only 2 digits (known as bits) 0 & 1. Any no. from decimal number system can be converted to binary number system. Binary numbers are widely used in design of various digital gadgets & computers. Following are some decimal no.s converted into binary numbers. Decimal number Binary number 0 0 1 1 2 10 3 11 4 100 5 101 6 110

How many binary digits would be required to represent the decimal number 1000 in the binary number system?

10 digits.

Do computers use the decimal number system to store data?

No, they use the binary system

What is the advantage of having the binary number system to represent data inside the computer instead of the decimal number system?

They use the binary sysem because the number 1 means the switch is turned on and the number 0 means the switch is off. There is no way to use the decimal number system.

What is the binary number for the decimal number 134?

The binary number for the decimal 134 is calculated as 128+4+2=10000110. The binary number system is used internally on almost all computers and computer based devices like cell phones.