You undertake a long division.
Any fraction is a rational number and so its decimal representation must be terminating or recurring. A terminating decimal will mean that the long division reaches a point when the remainder is zero. A recurring decimal sequence is equivalent to the long division going through a cycle of remainders.
You undertake a long division.
Any fraction is a rational number and so its decimal representation must be terminating or recurring. A terminating decimal will mean that the long division reaches a point when the remainder is zero. A recurring decimal sequence is equivalent to the long division going through a cycle of remainders.
You undertake a long division.
Any fraction is a rational number and so its decimal representation must be terminating or recurring. A terminating decimal will mean that the long division reaches a point when the remainder is zero. A recurring decimal sequence is equivalent to the long division going through a cycle of remainders.
You undertake a long division.
Any fraction is a rational number and so its decimal representation must be terminating or recurring. A terminating decimal will mean that the long division reaches a point when the remainder is zero. A recurring decimal sequence is equivalent to the long division going through a cycle of remainders.
You undertake a long division.
Any fraction is a rational number and so its decimal representation must be terminating or recurring. A terminating decimal will mean that the long division reaches a point when the remainder is zero. A recurring decimal sequence is equivalent to the long division going through a cycle of remainders.
The fractional portion is 0.261
They are the decimal fractional part.
34.5 is a decimal 34 1/2 is fractional
A decimal number is like a mixed fraction: it has an integer part and a fractional part. If the fractional part is a repeating fraction then the whole number is represented by a repeating decimal.
Decimal point
They comprise the fractional part of a decimal number.
Fractional part of a mixed decimal.
You cannot. A mixed number, by definition, has a fractional part. In converting to a decimal number, you cannot get rid of that fractional part and so you can never convert it to a decimal integer.
569.384 = 71173⁄125
No. A whole number is a number with no fractional (decimal) part. Therefore a decimal number can not be a whole number. Another view: 35.0 is a whole number AND a decimal. The fact that a number is a decimal does not automatically require it to have a fractional part. Even 35 is a decimal number (without a decimal point).
No. It is decimal number. An integer is a number that can be written without a fractional or decimal component.