the decimal portion of 176.261 is 261
The digits to the right of the decimal point. Ex: if you are given a number 283.7703, the decimal portion would be 7703.
Anything to the right of the decimal point.
It can refer to the part to the right of the decimal point.
Anything to the right of the decimal point.
the decimal portion of 176.261 is 261
910213 is an integer and not a fraction nor mixed number. There is, therefore, no decimal portion..
The digits to the right of the decimal point. Ex: if you are given a number 283.7703, the decimal portion would be 7703.
Anything to the right of the decimal point.
23% as a decimal is 0.23 because a percentage is a portion of 100 and a decimal is a portion of 1.
It can refer to the part to the right of the decimal point.
The whole portion is 418.
Anything to the right of the decimal point.
It is to the right of the decimal point which is .0927
5 and the decimal portion is .024