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what is 15% of $180

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Q: How do you figure out a percentage of a certain amount?
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Depending on the layers. For a certain amount of years there is a certain amount of layers. So, if a fossil is found on a certain layer then you can figure out how old it is.

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A percentage of it does. There's a certain amount of "dead space."

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A as a percentage of B: (100 x A)/B

How can you figure out what the percentage to something is on a calculator?

Divide the amount by the total, then multiply by 100. E.g., if want to know what percentage 42 out of 168 is, enter: 42, ÷, 168, x, 100 (the answer should be 25%).

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A discount is a reduction of the original price of an item. It can be a percentage or a fixed amount of the original figure. In finance the same principle applies.

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Who cares stupid you should have learned it in class so figure it out!

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Divide the 2450 by 1.14 which gives you 2149.12, then subtract that from the original number to reveal the VAT amount of 300.88. This works for any figure you want to remove a percentage from.