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Q: What percentage of the figure is shaded yellow?
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Related questions

What fraction represents the shaded portion of the figure?

None, since there is no shaded part of any figure!

What is area of shaded area if base is 8 and apothem is 5.51?

The answer depends on what part of the figure is shaded!

What is the name of a six shaded figure?

a hexagon

What fraction of each figure is shaded?


How can you find the probability that a randomly chosen point in a figure lies in the shaded region?

The probability is the ratio of the area of the shaded area to the area of the whole figure.

Is their are 25 boxes 10 shaded in what percentage of the the squares shaded?

10/25 = 0.4 = 40%.

What is the area of the shaded portion of the figure triangle?

The area is 0 square units since no shaded area is visible.

The change in position from the shaded figure to the unshaded figure is best described as a?

Missing diagram.

There are twenty boxes and four of them are shaded. What is the area of each shaded figure in square centimeters?

I wanted to know how to solve the problem.

If the vertices of the smaller square divide each side of the larger square in the ratio of 21 in the figure shown what percentage of the larger square is shaded Express your answer to the nearest who?

The answer depends on whether it is the smaller square that is shaded or the bits that are left. The area of the smaller square is 56% of the larger square.

Does a yellow shaded address bar on a website indicates that the website is secure?

No, it doesn't. You can go to Facebook and the website is secure but your address bar won't be shaded.

What is the area of the shaded portion within the square?

Calculate the total area of the square and subtract the non-shaded portion if you can figure that area. Your question is missing information.