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In both cases, the formula for volume is 1/3 times the base area times the height.

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Q: How do you figure out the volume of a pyramid or a cone?
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The formula for the volume of a cone is most like the formula for the volume of which figure?

The formula for a pyramid. The volume of a pyramid is (1/3)(B)(h). The volume of a cone is essentially the same: (1/3)(B=πr2)(h)

Is a cone a pyramid or a prism?

A cone is a common pyramid-like figure where the base is a circle or other closed curve instead of a polygon. A cone has a curved lateral surface instead of several triangular faces, but in terms of volume, a cone and a pyramid are just alike.

What is the formula to figure out the volume of a square-based pyramid?

Vol = 1/3 * base area x vertical height for any pyramid (or cone).

Which solid figure has only one base?

How about a cone or a pyramid

What is a solid figure with a point on top?

A star, cone, pyramid.

How do you find volume of cone and pyramid if they did not give you high?

You don't.

How do you find the volume of a circle based pyramid?

Wouldn't a circle-based pyramid look a lot like a cone ? If so, you could probably use the formula for the volume of a cone and get away with it.

What is the formula for the volume of a pyramid and cone?

Cone: (1/3) * Pi * Radius² * Height Pyramid: (1/3) * (Base Area) * Height

How are the volumes of right pyramid and right cone related to the volume of a right prism and right cylinder?

The volume of the pyramid and cone is one third the volume of the corresponding (ie same [size] base and height) prism and cylinder.

Three dimensional figure with only one base?

pyramid or cone

What solid figure has only one base?

How about a cone or maybe a pyramid

What is a 3 dimensional figure with only 1 base?

Cone or a pyramid