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all you have to do is get a compass and draw a circle. If you mean graph one, it would be impossible by hand but you can try.

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Q: How do you find degrees in order to make an even circle graph?
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techincally 360 degrees * * * * * Not necessary for them to be integer values. A quarter of a right angle (sixteenth of a circle), for example, is 22.5 degrees. Also, later on in mathematics you will learn to measure angles in radians rather than degrees. There are 2*pi radians in a circle - an irrational number. So the measure of an angle need not even be rational. So the correct answer is infinitely many.

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a pie chart AKA circle graph and pie graph. self explanatory, a pie chart is a circular chart that represents a whole. i.e. if its 50%, then half is taking out and/or shaded, or Even something else that people use to be creative with them

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In order for a polygon to tessellate, the angles must add up to 360 degrees, to come full circle. Triangles have 60 degree angles, so 6 of them circle together. Squares have 90 degree angles, so 4 of them tessellate to a point. Hexagons can even tessellate, because the 120 degree angles add up to 360. But pentagons have 108 degree angles. Three of them add up to 324, only leaving 36 degrees left to close the circle.

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You can't trace this graph without going twice over the same edge. In this graph four vertices have degrees 3 (odd) and one has degree 4 (even). In graphs traceable without lifting pencil off the paper and without going over the same edge twice all degrees must be even (enter and leave), and only two degrees can be odd (leave the starting vertex and enter the ending one). Hope this helps.

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If the point (x,y) is on the graph of the even function y = f(x) then so is (-x,y)

How can you understand a given graph is Euler or not?

The definition of an Eulerian path is a path in a graph which visits each edge exactly once. Intuitively, think of tracing the path with a pencil without lifting the pencil's edge from the page. One definition of an Eulerian graph is that every vertex has an even degree. You can check this by counting the degrees. Please see the related link for details.

How much vertex in a circle?

A circle doesn't have even a single vertex.