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If the point (x,y) is on the graph of the even function y = f(x) then so is (-x,y)

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Q: Find the coordinates of a second point on the graph of a function f if the given point is on the graph and the function is even?
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What is graph in physics?

Graph is a collection of points whose coordinates satisfy a given relation.

What does to graph a point mean?

Mark the position of the point on the graph according to the coordinates of the point that are given (or calculated).

When you are given a graph how can you come up with a rational function equation?

You cannot, necessarily. Given a graph of the tan function, you could not.

What is true about all coordinate points in quadrant IV of a coordinate graph?

Their first coordinates are positive and their second coordinates are negative.

How do you determine where to mark a point on the graph?

At the given coordinates where the x and y values intersect

How can you tell by looking at a graph its a function?

Draw a graph of a given curve in the xoy plane. Now draw a vertical line so that it cuts the graph. If the vertical line cuts the graph in more than one ordinate then given graph is not a function. If it cuts the graph at a single ordinate such a graph is a function.(is called vertical line test)

Is a sign graph a function?

A function must have a value for any given domain. For each edge (or interval), the sign graph has a sign (+ or -) . So, it is a function.

How do you graph and evaluate piecewise functions?

Graph each "piece" of the function separately, on the given domain.

What is a vertical shift?

A vertical shift is the vertical motion of a function on a graph through manipulation of the y-coordinates, while simultaneously leaving the x-coordinates unchanged. A horizontal shift is the opposite of a vertical shift, in that the function is moving horizontally by manipulating the x-coordinates and leaving the y-coordinates unchanged.

What information does the graph of a function provide with respect to the algebraic equation?

The coordinates of the points on the curve represent solutions of the equation.

How does the graph of an exponential function differ from the graph of a linear function and how is the rate of change different?

The graph of a linear function is a line with a constant slope. The graph of an exponential function is a curve with a non-constant slope. The slope of a given curve at a specified point is the derivative evaluated at that point.

What is a coordinates on a graph?

It is where the x and y coordinates intersect.