

How do you find mass when density is only given?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The relation between mass(M), density(ρ) and volume(V) is given by: M = ρ x V.

So mass can be calculated only if both density and volume are known.

Density is a measure of amount of substance per unit volume, so mass can't be calculated until the volume of substance is known.

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Q: How do you find mass when density is only given?
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How can I find the mass if only the volume and density are given?

Density = (mass) divided by (volume)Mass = (Density) times (volume)

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You can't. In order to calculate a density, you need a mass and a volume.

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density=mass/volume volume=mass/density

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You cannot. You can determine the third variable if two are given but not determine two when given only one. You have to find some other way to first determine volume or density.

How do you find mass when given the density?

Density depends on mass and volume. If you know any two of the three quantities, you can calculate the missing one. If you only know the density, you can't find the mass of a sample until you first measure its volume. Density at times is posted at lb/gal. Multiply the density by the volume in gallons to give you mass.

How do you find volume with only density and mass?

Look up the density of the substance and divide the mass by the density to find volume.============================In order to use the method in the first answer, you must know the substance.But the question says clearly that only the massis given. In that case, it'snot possible to find the volume.

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Use a mass balance to find the mass then find the volume by V=mass/density.

How do you find the mass density of a sphere who's mass is 5000 grams?

Density is the mass per unit volume. e.g. kg/m3. But you've only given one of the quantities needed - we still need the volume of the sphere.

How do you get the density if you are only given the volume?

You can't. Density = (mass) divided by (volume). That's three numbers. I order to find any one of them, you have to know the other two.

Density is referring to the amount of mass in only 1 of matreial?

Density refers to the mass of a given volume of a substance for comparative purposes usually.

How do you find the density if only the volume is given?

The formula to find the density is d=m/v