

How do you find prime number?

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11y ago

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Prime numbers are the numbers that can only be divided by 1 and them selves. As in 13 if you were to factor it using only whole numbers you would see that its factors are only 1 and 13. There for it is prime. While 12 you see that the factors are 1,2,3,4,6,12 meaning that it is not prime.
You test several numbers, to see whether they are prime numbers, until you find a Prime number.

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11y ago

A prime number is defined as one that is only divisible by itself or 1. So you can find out if its prime by testing that definition.

To find small prime numbers use the Sieve of Eratosthenes, which is a simple method to compute primes. Large prime numbers have to be done by computers using other types of tests such as the Miller-Rabin primality test

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