No. You can only find the LCM of at least two numbers, prime or otherwise. The LCM of any two prime numbers is their product.
Prime factorization.
3 is the smallest odd prime number.
the least number is 210 which is divisible by four different prime numbers.
Yes. To be composite, the first number has at least 2 prime factors, the second number also has at least prime factors; the product of the two will have at least 4 prime factors, so it must be a composite number.
It is 210.
The least prime number is 2.
No. You can only find the LCM of at least two numbers, prime or otherwise. The LCM of any two prime numbers is their product.
Prime factorization.
least prime number greater 60 = 61
No. 2 is the least prime number and it is the only even prime number.
The least common multiple (LCM) refers to a multiple that is COMMON to two or more numbers. If you have only one number - whether or not it is a prime - you cannot have a least COMMON multiple.
The answer is 101.
The prime numbers are: ...,43,47,53,59,...
71 is least Prime Number that is greater than 69.