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The domain would always be the set of all real numbers while the range depends on the sign outside the term in the absolute value and the other operations to be evaluated outside the absolute value term.

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Q: How do you find the domain and range of an absolute value function?
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What is the domain of a absolute value function?

The domain can be anything you like, from the whole of the real numbers to just a single value.

How do you find the domain and range of the function f of x equals half of the absolute value of x minus 2?

The domain could be the real numbers, in which case, the range would be the non-negative real numbers.

How do you find the range for a function?

The range of a function is the set of all of the possible values that it can take on as an output value. You find the range by inspecting the function and seeing first what the domain is, and then what the range would be for that domain. The domain, then, is the set of all of the possible values that it can take on as an input value.

What is the range of absolute value functions My teacher said it would be all real numbers. However I thought it would be positive real numbers. Can you explain who is right and why?

The absolute value of a number is positive, so the range is always a positive real number. You are correct. The domain, that is the value before you take the absolute value, is all real numbers, but the range is always positive.

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What is the range of an absolute value function?

the range is a positive real number

What is the output variable of a function?

It is a value in the co-domain [range] of the function.

What is the range of the secant function?

absolute value of y> 1

What is the parent function of absolute value?

apex what is the range of the absolute... answer is nonnegative real num...

What is the example of the range and domain in a function?

A function is a mapping from one set to another. It may be many-to-one or one-to-one. The first of these sets is the domain and the second set is the range. Thus, for each value x in the domain, the function allocates the value f(x) which is a value in the range. For example, if the function is f(x) = x^2 and the domain is the integers in the interval [-2, 2], then the range is the set [0, 1, 4].

How do you find the domain if you are given the range?

Use the function to find the image of each point in the domain. The set of values that you get will be the range. If the function is well behaved, you will not have to try each and every value in the domain.