It depends on what information you have. If you have only the lengths of the three sides, you would need to use the cosine rule.
An interior angle is any angle on the interior of the triangle.
A triangle with a 90o interior angle is called a 'right' triangle. BTW, any triangle can have only one 90o interior angle
interior is the inside of a triangle but is connected to the triangle.
A heptagon. It can have a reflex interior angle, a triangle cannot.
You cannot.
They are all 60 degrees.
Either could have a larger interior angle. If they were regular, then the interior angle of a triangle would be 60 degrees whereas that of a heptagon would be 128.57 degrees. The REGULAR heptagon would have a larger interior angle than a REGULAR triangle.
measure of exterior angle of triangle is equal to sum of interior angles. for eg. In triangle ABC, angle C is exterior angle angle A and angle B are interior angles so, C=A+B
Add the first two angles together and subtract the total from 180 to find the 3rd angle
It is: 180-interior angle = exterior angle
It is: 180-interior angle = exterior angle
a right triangle