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By dividing it

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A rhombus has 4 equal sides and its diagonals bisect each other at 90 degrees thus forming 4 equal right angle triangles and by using Pythagoras' theorem any of the 4 equal sides can be found.

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Q: How do you find the length of the rhombus when the length of the diagonals are given?
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How do you find the measure of a rhombus?

The answer depends on the measure of WHAT! Side length, angles, length of diagonals, area? And the answers to these depend on what information is given.

What can you find about the diagonals of a rhombus?

The diagonals are not equal in length but thet bisect each other at 90 degrees

What is the length of one side of the rhombus if the diagonals of a rhombus have lengths of 12 centimeters and 16 centimeters?

Since the diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular and bisect each other, then we can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of the side of the rhombus. So in the right triangle, whose length of the legs are 6 and 8 centimeters, the hypotenuse length (the length of the side of the rhombus) is √(62 + 82) = √(36 + 64) = √100 = 10 cm.

How do you find the value of x in a rhombus?

To find the value of x in a rhombus, use these properties. All sides of a rhombus are the same length. Opposite angles of a rhombus are the same size and measure. Intersection of the diagonals of a rhombus form right angles. Sides are perpendicular. The diagonals of rhombus bisect each other. Adjacent angles add up to 180 degrees.

How should you find the side when two diagonals are given in a rombhus?

The diagonals of a rhombus (not rombhus) bisect one another at right angles. The sides of the rhombus form the hypotenuses of triangles whose other sides are half the diagonals. So use Pythagoras.

What is the answer to... A rhombus has diagonals of length 10cm and 5cm find the smaller angle?

The angle is 0.927 radians or, if you prefer, 53.13 degrees.

How do you find the diagonals of a rhombus?

You need more information: the length of a side. Then, since the diagonals bisect one another at right angles, you can use Pythagoras's theorem to calculate their lengths.

How do you find the measures of a rhombus with two diagonals?

That will depend on the lengths of the diagonals of the rhombus which are of different lengths and intersect each other at right angles but knowing the lengths of the diagonals of the rhombus it is then possible to work out its perimeter and area.

The diagonals of the rhombus are in the ratio 3 4 the perimeter of the rhombus is 40cm find the lengths of the sides and of the diagonals?

The length of the sides of the rhombus are 10cm, as a rhombus has equal sides. since the diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular, ratio of side of rhombus to 1/2 a diagonal to 1/2 of another diagonal is 5:4:3 (pythagorean thriple), hence ratio of side of rhombus to 1 diagonal to another diagonal is 5:8:6. since 5 units = 10cm 8 units = 16cm 6 units = 12cm and there are your diagonals.

How do you find the sides of a rhombus if diagagonal are given?

The diagonals bisect each other at right angles. So you could use Pythagoras on half the diagonals. So, if the diagonals are a and b units long, then half the diagonals are a/2 and b/2 units long. Then, by Pythagoras, the sides of the rhombus are sqrt[(a/2)2 + (b/2)2]

Find the area of a rhombus with diagonals that measure 8 and 10?

Find the area of a rhombs with diagonals that measure 8 and 10.

How do I find the area of a rhombus with just one diagonal?

If side is given too, then you can find area with one diagonal. As diagonals bisect each other in a rhombus at 90°, Using Pythogoras Theorem: (Half d1)² = (side)² - (Half d2)²