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The angle is 0.927 radians or, if you prefer, 53.13 degrees.

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Q: What is the answer to... A rhombus has diagonals of length 10cm and 5cm find the smaller angle?
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What is the relationship between diagonals on a rhombus?

Not in general. The diagonals of a rectangle are equal length. A rhombus that is also a rectangle would be a square.

What is the formula for perimeter of rhombus?

It depends on what information you have: the length of a side, or the lengths of the diagonals, or a diagonal and an angle. Each of these will give rise to a different formula.

How do you find the length of the rhombus when the length of the diagonals are given?

By dividing itImproved Answer:-A rhombus has 4 equal sides and its diagonals bisect each other at 90 degrees thus forming 4 equal right angle triangles and by using Pythagoras' theorem any of the 4 equal sides can be found.

What is the length of the sides of a rhombus whose diagonals are 10 and 12 respectively?

The diagonals of a rhombus intersect at 90 degrees therefore it has 4 right angle triangles with sides of 5 and 6 respectively with the hypotenuse being a side of the rhombus. So using Pythagoras' theorem: 52+62 = 61 and the square root of this is the length of each side of the rhombus which is approximately 7.81 units of measurement

What is a rhombus Does a rhombus have a right angle?

A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four sides of equal length. It does not necessarily have a right angle. A rhombus can have all angles equal but not necessarily 90 degrees.

What quadrilateral has diagonals that dont meet at a right angle?

Why a rhombus of course.

What is the angle formed at the intersection of th e diagonals of a rhombus?


Do diagonals of a rhombus bisect eachother?

Yes but there is no right angle forms.

Do the diagonals of rhombus always intersect to form perpendicular angle?


How do you draw a polygon with 2 pairs of parallel sides 2 pairs of sides equal in length and 2 acute and 2 obtuse angles and all the possible names for it?

It is difficult to give instructions about drawing a figure without knowing what information (side lengths, angle measures, diagonals) you have about it.A parallelogram. And, if all four sides are of the same length, then a rhombus. or a rhombus.It is difficult to give instructions about drawing a figure without knowing what information (side lengths, angle measures, diagonals) you have about it.A parallelogram. And, if all four sides are of the same length, then a rhombus. or a rhombus.It is difficult to give instructions about drawing a figure without knowing what information (side lengths, angle measures, diagonals) you have about it.A parallelogram. And, if all four sides are of the same length, then a rhombus. or a rhombus.It is difficult to give instructions about drawing a figure without knowing what information (side lengths, angle measures, diagonals) you have about it.A parallelogram. And, if all four sides are of the same length, then a rhombus. or a rhombus.

Do the diagonals of a rhombus bisect the vertexes?

Vertex is the point where two rays of an angle or two edges of a geometric shape meet.Definition of a point: A point has no width, length and thickness. It is used to specify a specific location.A point can't be bisected because its length is zero.So, the statement : "diagonals of a rhombus bisect the vertices" is false.

Which quadrilateral must have diagonals that are congruent and perpendicular?

The quadrilateral that must have diagonals that are congruent and perpendicular is the square. This is because its diagonals form a right angle at its center.