

How do you find the number of logarithms?

Updated: 5/28/2023
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12y ago

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There is no simple method to calculate logarithms. The traditional way to find a log of a number was to look it up in a table. You then had to add for the power of ten in the top digit. For the number 2000, you would look up 2.00 in the table and get the result .30103. Then, because 2000 is 2.00 x 103, you would add 3 to the answer and get 3.30103.

Luckily, that isn't usually necessary anymore. Nearly all good calculators have a log button. You can also do them with the Google search bar (hardly anyone seems to know this). Just type in log(2000) and Google instantly gives the answer:

log(2 000) = 3.30103
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Ebba Hettinger

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Actually we don't. Any number greater than 1 can be used; it need not even be a whole number. In computer science, the number 2 is often used as a base; in advanced math, the number "e" is often used - this number is approximately 2.71828..., and for theoretical reasons it is considered to be the most "natural" base for logarithms. In fact, the logarithms in base "e" are called "natural logarithms".

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The base of common logarithms is ten.

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