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In order to find the the time of flight of a projectile that lands on a lower elevation with using the quadratic equation, one must think deeply.

In other terms, Google search my friend.


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Q: How do you find the time of flight of a projectile that lands on a lower elevation without using the quadratic equation?
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What are the steps to solving a quadratic equation?

In general, there are two steps in solving a given quadratic equation in standard form ax^2 + bx + c = 0. If a = 1, the process is much simpler. The first step is making sure that the equation can be factored? How? In general, it is hard to know in advance if a quadratic equation is factorable. I suggest that you use first the new Diagonal Sum Method to solve the equation. It is fast and convenient and can directly give the 2 roots in the form of 2 fractions. without having to factor the equation. If this method fails, then you can conclude that the equation is not factorable, and consequently, the quadratic formula must be used. See book titled:" New methods for solving quadratic equations and inequalities" (Trafford Publishing 2009) The second step is solving the equation by the quadratic formula. This book also introduces a new improved quadratic formula, that is easier to remember by relating the formula to the x-intercepts with the parabola graph of the quadratic function.

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Without an equality sign and not knowing the plus or minus values of 3x and 3 the information given can't be considered to be a quadratic equation.

How can you tell how many solutions a quadratic equation will have without solving it?

A quadratic equation can have a maximum of 2 solutions. If the discriminant (b2-4ac) turns out to be less than 0, the equation will have no real roots. If the Discriminant is equal to 0, it will have equal roots. But, if the discriminant turns out to be more than 0,then the equation will have unequal and real roots.