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If it has an hypotenuse then it is a right angle triangle and if you know its angles then use trigonometry to find its other two sides.

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Q: How do you find the two shorter sides of a triangle when all you know if the hypotenuse and nothing else?
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How do you find one of the shorter sides of a right angled triangle knowing the hypotenuse and one of the shorter sides?

a^2 + b^2 = c^2 c= hypotenuse a and b are the legs (sides) of the triangle

How do you find the length of the sides of a right triangle when you know the hypotenuse?

If it is a 45-45-90 triangle, then divide the hypotenuse by the square root of 2. If it is a 30-60-90 triangle, then the shorter leg would be the hypotenuse divided by 2. And the longer leg would be the the shorter leg multiplied by the square root of 3.

How do you calculate the hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle?

An isosceles right triangle will always have its shorter sides of the same length, and the hypotenuse will always be this length times sin(45o) or times the square root of 0.5.

What are the Sides adjacent to the right angle of a triangle?

Adjacent means next to. So you're asking what sides of a triangle are next to the right angle of a triangle. That would be the 2 shorter sides of the triangle or 'legs' of the triangle. The hypotenuse (which is the longest side of the triangle) is directly across from the right angle.

What is true of all hypotenuse compared to the other side?

The hypotenuse of any right triangle is longer than either one of the other two sides of the same right triangle. But it's shorter than their sum.

If a right triangle has sides of 16Cm and 12Cm what is the hypotenuse?

If a right triangle has sides of 16Cm and 12Cm, the hypotenuse is: 20 cm

A triangle has sides of lengths 6 2 and 7 is it a right triangle?

No. For a right angle triangle, the sum of the squares of the shorter sides equals the square of the longer side (the hypotenuse): 22 + 62 = 40 72 = 49

How do you find the hypotnuse of a right triangle?

square the length of the 2 shorter sides, add them together, take the square root and you have the hypotenuse

What is the length of a hypotenuse with the right triangle sides 15 and 36?

The length of a hypotenuse with the right triangle sides of 15 and 36 is: 39

Who understood the relation ship between the 2 shorter sides and the hypotenuse in a right angled triangle before Pythagoras?

The Babylonians and Ancient Egyptians but it is tradionally given to Pythagoras that for a right angle triangle a2+b2 = c2 whereas a and b are the sides of the triangle with c being its hypotenuse or longest side

What is the hypotenuse in a right triangle?

The hypotenuse of a right triangle is the side opposite the right angle. It is the longest of the three sides in the triangle.

If the two adjacent sides of a triangle are 3' and 4' what is the length of the hypotenuse?

If the two adjacent sides of a triangle are 3' and 4', the hypotenuse is: 5'