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Calculate them and compare.

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Q: How do you find whether a cone and a cylinder have equal surface area?
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The lateral surface area of cone A is equal to the lateral surface area of cylinder B?


The cone and the cylinder below have equal surface area.?

True. (Apex)

A sphere with a ratio of surface area to volume equal to 0.15m-1 a right circular cylinder with a ratio of surface area to volume equal to 2.2m-1?

The rate of diffusion would be faster for the right cylinder.

What- is-the-relationship-between-cylinders'-cones'-and-spheres'-surface area?

The relationship between the surface areas of cylinders, cones, and spheres is that the surface area of a cylinder is equal to the sum of the areas of its two circular bases and its curved surface area, the surface area of a cone is equal to the sum of the area of its circular base and its curved surface area, and the surface area of a sphere is equal to four times the area of its circular base.

What is they surface area of a cylander with a radius of 4 and a height of 9?

The surface area of cylinder with radius equal to 4 and height equal to 9 is 326.725 square units.

What is the total surface area of a cylinder with a radius of 1 meter and a height of 10 meters?

A cylinder with a radius of 1 meter and a height of 10 meters has a surface area equal to 69.12m2

What is the difference between area of curved surface of cylinder and surface area of cylinder?

Curved surface area includes the area of the length of the cylinder only whereas surface area includes the two bases as well...

The lateral surface area of cone A is equal to the lateral surface area of cylinder B.?

It is possible for some cones A and cylinders B. But in general, the assertion is false.

A sphere with a ratio of surface area to volume equal to 0.3 m-1. A right circular cylinder with a ratio of surface area to volume equal to 2.1 m-1. What results would you expect if these two models w?

it would be faster for the right cylinder

What are some related words for surface area of a cylinder?

face or surface are related words for a surface area of a cylinder

Consider the following geometric solids. A sphere with a ratio of surface area to volume equal to 0.3 m-1. A right circular cylinder with a ratio of surface area to volume equal to 2.1 m-1. What resul?

The rate of diffusion would be faster for the right cylinder.

How do you find the curved surface area of a cylinder?

1. Find the surface area of the whole cylinder 2. Find the area of one of the two circles on either end of the cylinder 3. Multiply the circle's area by two and subtract their area from the total surface area 4. Now you have the surface area of an unclosed cylinder!