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Do you mean the axis? The y axis goes up and down while the x axis goes left and right.

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Q: How do you fined the x and y intercepts and use them to graph each line?
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What does the graph do when the line y-intercepts is changed?

The lines become parallel to each other providing that the slope remains the same.

What are the steps to graph an equation of a line using the intercepts?

Draw the axes. Plot the two intercepts. Draw a line connecting the two points

What is the equetion of a straight line?

Y=mx+b. this equation is used for straight lines on a graph. Each letter represents something different. Y is the y-axis (the vertical lines of the graph). M is the slope. X is the x-axis (the horizontal lines of the graph). B is the y-intercepts (where the line intercepts with the y axis).

What are x and y intercepts?

The x and y intercepts are where a line on a graph intersects (crosses over) the x or y axis.

What is the importance of x and y intercepts?

-- If you know the general shape of a graph, and you can quickly determine the x- and y-intercepts, that's often enough information to make a pretty accurate sketch of the graph. -- In particular, if the equation is a linear one, then you know the graph will be a straight line; and then, as soon as you know the x- and y-intercepts, just draw the line between them and you don't need anything else ... that's your graph.

What is a vertical line test in math?

The Vertical Line Test for Functions: If any vertical line intercepts a graph in more than one point, the graph does not define y as a function of x. By the definition of a function, for each value of x we can have at most one value for y.

What is the y intercept definition?

where the line on a graph intercepts the y axis, also, it is called the zero step.

What is b in the slope intercept form?

b is where the line on the graph intercepts the y axis ( The vertical Line ) in a slope intercept equation

What is the definition for vertical line test in the subject math?

The Vertical Line Test for Functions: If any vertical line intercepts a graph in more than one point, the graph does not define y as a function of x. By the definition of a function, for each value of x we can have at most one value for y.

When can finding the x and y intercepts help you graph a line more efficiently?

If it's a straight line, then that's all you need. Find the 'x' and 'y' intercepts,lay your ruler down between the two points, and draw your line.

What mathematician invented how to graph a line using intercepts?

It was the French mathematician Rene Descartes who created the coordinate plane.

Find the slope and intercepts of each line y equals -x plus 1000?

Slope: -1 intercepts: (0,1000),(1000,0)