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((4*4)-4)/+4 = 3

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Q: How do you get 3 while only using four 4s and the addition subtraction division and multiplication symbol once?
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Symbol that specify addition substraction multiplication?

+ addition - subtraction* multiplication

What are symbols that specify addition subraction multiplication division percentage and exponentiation in an excel formula called?

operators (although, there is no specific percentage operation, only the percent symbol to show the number is a percent) Addition (+) Subtraction (-) Multiplication (*) Division (/) Exponent (^) operators Arithmetic operators are the symbols used in formulas to calculate values, such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and exponentiation (^).

What are operators in Java?

That refers to any symbol used to indicate some calculation. Here are some examples:+, -, *, / (for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) ++, -- (to add or subtract one) (or), && (and)

What operation does each symbol represent ( plus - and divide)?

Addition, subtraction and division, respectively.

What is the history of different symbols and their uses in mathematics?

Many of them are taken from the Greek alphabet. plus, minus, mutiply and divide +-x/ are the basic symbol for mathematics + is for addition, - is for subtraction, x is for multiplication and / is for division

The symbol used to indicate the multiplication operation is?

Some people just use a simple x. Others will use the asterix * . If you looks on your keyboard where the number pad is located, it has the addition subtraction multiplication and division keys marked on the top right four keys.

How is subtraction defined in arithmetic?

Subtraction is a decrease in quantity by taking away. It is the inverse of addition and is indicated by the minus symbol (-). The result of subtraction is known as the difference.

What is a binary operation?

A binary operator is simply an operator that works with two operands (for example, two numbers). The binary operator is usually written between the two operands. Examples include the familiar operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division - for example, in: 2 + 3 the "plus" is the binary operator, which works on the two numbers written on either side of it. What is an operator: Basically a function (calculation rule), written in a special way.

Can you cross multiply when there is an addition or subtraction symbol between the two fractions?

yeah~!! fractions are 2 between the symbol of subtraction or addition to multiply the single denominator not the married denominator or either the in a relationship numerator... ehehhehehe hope it helped ~ BOLD

The parts of an expression that are separated by addition and subtraction symbols are called what?

Those are the "terms" of the expression.

Why is 3 divided 4 into a fraction?


Is 100 4 a division problem?

100/4 is a division problem. 100(4) is a multiplication problem.