You divide the numerator by the denomonator. If it is a mixed number, change it to an improper fraction and use the same process as above.
All rational fractions.
The three fractions whose decimal equivalent is 0.40 are 4/10. 8/20 and 16/40. There are many more fractions that would have the same decimal result.
You first convert them to equivalent fractions with a common denominator. Or you convert them to decimal fractions.
Fractions or decimal fractions.
To write 159 as a decimal, you simply write 159.0. This is because the decimal point is already at the end of the number, indicating that there are no decimal fractions. Another way to represent 159 as a decimal is 159.000, which emphasizes that there are no decimal fractions.
A decimal number is not an integer. An integer is a number that is not a fraction, and decimal numbers are decimal fractions.
Five hundredths is equivalent to the decimal fraction 0.05. This is because the decimal point is placed two places to the left of the last digit in the number (5), representing the value of five hundredths in the decimal system.
It is easy: just convert to decimal fractions.
They are related because you can comvert decimals into fractions,and fractions into decimals.
A decimal becase a decimal can be any fraction