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Length x Width x Depth

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Q: How do you get volume of solid rectangle?
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How do you find volume of a solid rectangle?

Volume=length x width x height V=LWH

What is the volume of a rectangle solid 7m by 8m by 4m?

7*8*4 = 224 cubic metres.

A solid such as a ice cube has a volume?

the answers are practically endless. to calculate the volume of a cube/rectangle, such as an ice cube, multiple height by width by length.

What is the Volume of a rectangle measuring 600cmx60cmx60cm?

Volume of rectangle is 0

How is the volume of a rectangle measured?

Simple. The volume of a rectangle is 0. A rectangle is a two dimensional shape and therefore cannot have a volume.

What is the volume of a solid rectangle of 2 cm x 5 cm x 8 cm?

80 cubic cm

How to find the volume of a rectangle?

The volume of a rectangle is 0. It is a 2-dimensional object and so has no volume.

What is the formula for finding the volume for a rectangle?

A rectangle has no volume, it is a 2 dimensional object.

How do you calculate volume when one side of the rectangle is at an angle?

The volume of a rectangle is always 0, as a rectangle is a two-dimensional object.

How do you calculate weight of solid metal rectangle?

Areaxheight=volume weight=specific gravityxvolume. Specific gravity of the metal= kg/lt(ccm)

How do I figure out the volume of a rectangle?

With great difficulty because a rectangle is a 2 dimensional shape which does not have a volume.

What is the definition of volume of rectangle?

Not possible ! A rectangle is a two-dimentional shape. Volume is a measure of capacity.