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You draw a rectangle that has a diagonal which length is equal to twice the length of the side of the square.

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Q: How do you increase a square to a rectangle so that the relation of its vertical and horizontal borders is 1 against square root 3?
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Does a rectangle have 3 lines of symmetry?

No, a non-square rectangle has two: the horizontal and the vertical. A square has four lines of symmetry: the horizontal, the vertical, and two diagonal lines.

How many lines of symetry does a rectangle has?

two: horizontal and vertical

Is a diagonal line through a rectangle equal to the vertical and horizontal sides?

No. The diagonal through a rectangle can be computed via the Pythagorean theorem: c2 = a2 + b2 where c is the diagonal length and a and b are the horizontal and vertical lengths of the rectangle.

How many vertical lines in a rectangle?

7 horizontal lines and 10 vertical lines how many rectangles?

Does a rectangle have only 1 line of symmetry?

Actually, a rectangle has four lines of symmetry:One horizontal;One vertical; andTwo diagonal.

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I assume you mean vertical, not verdical.The rectangle has 2 vertical lines, and 2 horizontal lines.

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Divide it into equal parts with horizontal or vertical lines.

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A rectangle is a rectangle no matter its orientation, it does not need to be horizontal or vertical to be a rectangle, the term applies only to the internal angle of the corners which of course must be 90 degrees.

Does a rectangle or square have exactly 2 lines of symmetry?

Technically, a square is a rectangle with four lines of symmetry. A non-square rectangle has exactly two lines of symmetry: the vertical and the horizontal.

Examples of figures with horizontal and vertical symmetry?

Square, hexagon, octagon, rectangle, bowtie-shaped figure, etc.

How do you divide a rectangle into 6 parts of equal area with just 3 lines?

two vertical at one third and two thirds the distance from a side and one horizontal in the middle (or two horizontal one vertical)

What does the slope mean on a line graph?

Rate of change of the "vertical" variable in relation to the "horizontal" variable.