Four pairs.
A rectangle has 2 "SETS" of parallel lines. SO it has 4 parallel lines.Two pairs.
There are 4 verticle lines in a cube :)
two: horizontal and vertical
No, a non-square rectangle has two: the horizontal and the vertical. A square has four lines of symmetry: the horizontal, the vertical, and two diagonal lines.
Technically, a square is a rectangle with four lines of symmetry. A non-square rectangle has exactly two lines of symmetry: the vertical and the horizontal.
I assume you mean vertical, not verdical.The rectangle has 2 vertical lines, and 2 horizontal lines.
How many lines of symmetry does a rectangle have
First, you draw two horizontal elongated lines. Then, draw to vertical lines, half as big as the elongated lines. It should look something like this: ______________________ /this is a good rectangle.... / ====================
Vertical and horizontal lines could be the sides of a rectangle with the interior diagonals lines that span opposite corners
Actually, a rectangle has four lines of symmetry:One horizontal;One vertical; andTwo diagonal.
There are four perpendicular lines in a rectangle
A rectangle. Obviously the right angles are in the four corners of the rectangle. The lines of symmetry occur across the horizontal and vertical. There are no lines of symmetry on the diagonal.