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For example, you can do the multiplication in both cases, simplify each product to simplest terms, and compare. Or, after doing the multiplication, check the product of the numerator of one fraction by the denominator of another fraction - if you get the same product both ways, the products are equivalent.

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Q: How do you know when a pair of fractions have the same product?
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How is the product of 2proper fractions greater than the fractions being multiplied?

It is not: they are the same. A "product" and "multiple" are synonyms.

What is the meaning of dissimilar fraction?

The meaning of dissimilar fractions is when there is a pair or more of fractions that don't have the same denominator.

What do you do when you mutpiling fractions with common dennmonters?

Exactly the same as you do when multiplying fractions with different denominators. -- Multiply numerators . . . the product is the numeratore of the answer. -- Multiply denominators . . . the product is the denominator of the answer.

When you multiply two fractions do you need to find a common deniminator first?

No. Fractions don't need the same denominator in order to multiply them. The numerator of their product is simply the product of their numerators, and the denominator of their product is just the product of their denominators.

How do you know if fractions are integers?

Fractions are integers when their denominator is 1 or when the numerator has the same value as the denominator.

Which product has a factor pair in which both numbers are the same?

A square number

Why do you need a common denominator with fractions?

You can add or subtract fractions only if they are "like" fractions, that is, only if they have the same denominator - unless you know your fractions really well.

How are the sum and product of each pair of numbers related?

They have the same parity (odd or even).

What are like and unlike fractions?

Like fractions are the fractions which have the same denominator and unlike fractions are the fractions which do not have the same denominator.

Can you get Numerator Of The Product Of Two Fractions Is Found By Multiplying The Numerator Of The Two Fractions?

Yes, then do the same for the denominators. But THEN you are usually expected to simplify the resulting fraction.

Why does the product of two fractions has the same value before and after dividing the numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor?

If you are dividing the numerator and the denominator by the same number (the GCF), it is the same as dividing the fraction by 1, which will leave it unchanged and create the same product.

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2 and 2