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Q: How do you make the casio fx-9750g stop rounding at a certain point?
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In rounding numbers to the nearest whole number would 49.85 be rounded to 50 or 51?

It would be 50. In rounding up, we add one and truncate the digits after the decimal point. In rounding down, we just truncate the digits.

What is 217.85 rounded to the nearest cent?

If it is $217.85, then the answer would be 21785c or $217.85 (it is already to the nearest cent) If it is 217.85c, then the answer would be 217c or $2.17 (rounding off the digit after the decimal point, 5 or above means rounding up, 4 or below means rounding down)

Which is better rounding off to nearest ten or rounding off to nearest hundred?

There is no universal "better". Rounding off is a trade-off between reducing the accuracy and simplifying calculations. Also, if there are other numbers in an addition that are rounded to the nearest hundred, there is no point in rounding your number to the nearest ten.

How do you change from fraction into a percentage on a Casio fx-83gt plus?

Just use the first two parts of the decimal after the decimal point. e

How do you move the decimal point without rounding in python?

float("0.%u" % string(float_num).replace(".",""))

What is 157.5 rounded?

In rounding, the five after the point tells you to round up one. 157.5 rounded is 158.

What can a decrease decimal tool do in excel?

It reduces the number of digits after the decimal point in the display, rounding the number as appropriate.

What is expressed to two decimal places?

It is rounding a decimal representation of a number so that there are two digits after the decimal point.

What is 6050.287 rounded to the nearest ten Rounding decimals?

If you are rounding to the nearest tenth (the first decimal position), it is 6050.3, since the 8 in the hundredths position would cause the 2 to round up to 3. If you are rounding to the nearest tens (not a decimal, but the second position to the left of the decimal point), it is 6050. If you are rounding to the nearest 10 decimal places, it is 6050.2870000000.

How many models of digital cameras are made by Casio?

At one point Casio made quite a few different cameras. Currently, in the US, they only sell camera accessories and no longer carry any new digital cameras. You can, however, find a few older models on Amazon.

2.5 round to 1 decimal point?

No rounding is necessary - the number is already rounded to one decimal place.

What does rounding to the nearest dime mean?

Round to the nearest tenth, the first decimal place to the right of the decimal point.