It is rounding a decimal representation of a number so that there are two digits after the decimal point.
Yes a whole number is a number without a fraction or a decimal point.
When rounding 3.6 to one decimal point, you look at the digit in the second decimal place, which is 6. Since 6 is equal to or greater than 5, you round up the digit in the first decimal place. Therefore, 3.6 rounded to one decimal point is 3.7.
a number with a decimal point is a a fraction, a part of the whole goes behind the decimal. where as one with out a decimal point is just a whole number.
A decimal is a value, a decimal point separates the whole number from the fraction.EG 12.34 is a decimal, the point is the dot in the middle...a decimal is a group of number combined to make a number problem and a decimal point divides it so you wont get confusedEX: candy bar $ 1.50 without the decimal point $150
It is rounding a decimal representation of a number so that there are two digits after the decimal point.
Leave it exactly as it is. The answer is 511 - without a decimal point or any other frills. Since it is already an integer, rounding to the nearest hundredth makes no difference.
It reduces the number of digits after the decimal point in the display, rounding the number as appropriate.
You may be thinking of rounding (right of the decimal) or zero suppression (left of the decimal).
Round to the nearest tenth, the first decimal place to the right of the decimal point.
If you are rounding to the nearest tenth (the first decimal position), it is 6050.3, since the 8 in the hundredths position would cause the 2 to round up to 3. If you are rounding to the nearest tens (not a decimal, but the second position to the left of the decimal point), it is 6050. If you are rounding to the nearest 10 decimal places, it is 6050.2870000000.
Yes a whole number is a number without a fraction or a decimal point.
It would be 50. In rounding up, we add one and truncate the digits after the decimal point. In rounding down, we just truncate the digits.
In this question you need to round 0.986 to two decimal points. This means when you are finished you need two digits to the right of the decimal point. Because there is a third decimal point you need to round. When rounding if the digit tot he right of the place you are rounding is 5 or greater you would round up, otherwise you round down. In this case you are rounding the '8', so look to the right and you see a '6'. Using the previous rounding process make the check: Is 6 >= 5? Yes it is! Therefore you would round the '8' up to a '9'. This results in your answer to be 0.99
When rounding 3.6 to one decimal point, you look at the digit in the second decimal place, which is 6. Since 6 is equal to or greater than 5, you round up the digit in the first decimal place. Therefore, 3.6 rounded to one decimal point is 3.7.
0.08 to 1 decimal point is simply 0.1. When rounding to one decimal point, we look at the digit immediately to the right of the decimal point. If it is 5 or greater, we round up; if it is less than 5, we round down. In this case, 0.08 is closer to 0.1 than to 0.0, so it rounds up to 0.1.